Down To Gilroy Sports Complex

Down To Gilroy Sports Complex

Yesterday my group rode up into the hills Southwest of Morgan Hill, then south to navigate Hecker pass highway, where we picked up the scenic velocipede trail that goes all the way to the Gilroy Sports Complex. We returned to Morgan Hill via Santa Teresa boulevard versus a headwind, which was welcome considering it was tomfool and the day was heating up. I was worldly-wise to requite some of the riders in the when a typhoon on my recumbent. This is a nice route, with trappy scenery, both on Burchell road and withal the velocipede path.

Climbing Day Road. This was challenging on a recumbent. I made sure I got a good throne start on the flats leading up to the climb, but most of the group still unprotected and passed me.
Regrouping at the end of Day Road at the archway to Kirigin Cellars
Starting lanugo Burchell road
A very wooded zone remoter lanugo Burchell road provided welcome shade
On the velocipede path with with the foothills of the Gavilan mountains in the loftiness and Uvas Creek preserve on our right. These pictures were all taken with my little whoopee camera in photo mode. Not bad for a litlle 4×6 cm box.

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