5 Reasons Quality Shoes Are Important To A Man’s Wardrobe

5 Reasons Quality Shoes Are Important To A Man’s Wardrobe

What is one thing you wear…

…that fits all 3 descriptions below?

  • #1: A status symbol since… forever
  • #2: Sharpens the “end points” of your style
  • #3: Women love it (and there's moreover a saying that women KNOW it)

Got the answer?

No idea?

Well I'm going to tell you:


Essential Men's Shoes

Can you imagine life without good shoes?

I can't – shoes are such a key ingredient in every gentleman's style.

This vendible reminds all of us why…

RMRS Shoe ebook

Reason #1 – Shoes Indicate Your Status

shoes as status symbol

Shoes have unchangingly been a significant part of people's status throughout history.

They have been known to indicate or represent wealth (or the lack of it) – expressly in variegated forms of media and literature.

For instance, we have Hannibal Lecter – who was worldly-wise to tell that Clarice Starling had come from unobtrusive beginnings by just looking at her shoes.

And shoes served as status symbols in many cultures – plane the oldest ones like warmed-over Egypt. Slaves would go barefoot while worldwide Egyptian citizens wore sandals made from woven papyrus.

It wasn't plane a question of how “nice” or well-appointed they felt. The fact that someone owned sandals meant they were part of a increasingly respectable social class.

Reason #2 – Shoes Represent Sustentation To Detail

Many people still stipulate that you can tell a lot well-nigh a guy by the shoes he wears.

Which unquestionably makes sense – as there still is an inherent bias that men are less detail-oriented than women. That they only superintendency well-nigh a good philharmonic of shirt, jacket, and trousers.

By showing off a stylish pair – you unravel yonder from that stereotype. You prove you've got an eye for small details. That you're a little increasingly “sophisticated.”

Here's the gist: you can get $600 dress for LESS than 200 bucks – as in unelevated 1/3 the stereotype price of what's misogynist in your local store!

AceMarks dares to be different. Unlike other luxury shoe companies, they sell directly to YOU – without going through all the costs related to middlemen, packaging, and mass distribution.

I wear AceMarks shoes too, so I have first-hand knowledge of what they bring to the table:

  • Quality – they're made out of thoughtfully selected full-grain leather, world-class materials, and go through thorough inspection from people with decades of wits in the shoe industry
  • Comfort – their thoughtfully synthetic last plus cushioned leather insole will prevent any discomfort (related to the pressure points virtually the heel)
  • Mobility – they won't restrict movement whatsoever (thanks to their Blake Flex construction and leather outsole)
  • Variety – they come in various designs and verisimilitude combinations to showcase your individuality

AceMarks is focused on giving each consumer amazing dress shoes… to enhance plane the most “ordinary” of styles. The weightier part is their system lets you save both money AND time – considering their products will be sent straight to your home!

RMRS Shoe ebook

Reason #3 – Shoes Help You Look Sharp From Head To Toe

Who can really bring their A-game in style?

Men who are well-aware of their end points… as in the two spots that are subject to the most eye fixation.


Those end points are namely (1) your squatter and (2) your dressed up feet. Obviously, you don't use suit to requite your squatter that “wow” factor – just your hairstyle and facial hair to work with.

But it's a whole other story when it comes to your feet. Choosing unconfined shoes will make people see you as a completely (not just “very”) stylish guy.

And if you want to make that happen – you don't necessarily need a trademark new pair. Start with something simple like using a nice shoe surf or polish (try Meltonian creams – they enhance the verisimilitude of your shoes just unbearable and requite them a sleek finish).

Reason #4 – Quality Shoes Are A Spending Priority

quality shoe in man's hands

Let's squatter it – people judge people all the time. Some like to wiring judgments on your spendings.

But if a normal guy with a regular job can show off a pair of high-quality shoes… it tells his peers that he's got his spending priorities straight.

That's right. Classy, elegant men's shoes should be a priority item. There's really no shame in it.

We all have a right to buy whatever we can use to modernize ourselves, and a right to enjoy a nice reward with our hard-earned money. More and increasingly people have realized that.

So nowadays – you can see the idea of ownership new shoes as a message for those in your circle: I'm doing unconfined in my job and everything… and I know exactly what to buy with my earnings that won't be a waste.

Reason #5 – Women Are Drawn To Stylish Shoes

compliment woman right way

And then we have the “women” reason – how women know shoes in the same way that men know cars. Both concepts are generalizations.

But hey – they weren't just created out of blue! Or they didn't just randomly wilt popular sayings that people still stipulate with these days. There IS a tiny fraction of truth overdue them.

For the specimen of women knowing shoes – it might've been influenced by studies that show women pay increasingly sustentation to the little details.

And since women tend to own increasingly shoes than men, it ways we moreover expect less effort from guys in terms of shoe style. But unmistakably – the times are changing. The ladies now love it whenever they see a man pulling off a fancy pair.

Some of them may tideway you and start a conversation well-nigh it. Others might simply say in their heads “Wow, this guy has good taste!” (especially if your shoes fit with the other colors in your wardrobe). Either way – it's once an victory to have unprotected their eye. So build upon it.

Bonus Reason – Shoes Say Something Well-nigh Your Life In General

Here are some fun facts you probably didn't know well-nigh doctors and the shoes they use:

• Many doctors wear running shoes to stay well-appointed during long walks at the hospital corridors.

• In a lengthy medical procedure, shoes that are made with a nice cushioning can rationalization sore feet – since they don't evenly distribute the weight.

• The best shoes for those long hours in the hospital are clogs. Yes – that shoe style (which hasn't been a trend since the '70s) is unquestionably popular among doctors, nurses, and plane medical students!

The point is… your shoes have the power to requite others a well-spoken idea well-nigh your profession, your hobbies, or plane the vital facts about your lifestyle (whether you're outdoorsy vs. stuck in a cubicle all day).

So unchangingly think twice surpassing choosing any shoes – as some types can totally misrepresent who you are. And unchangingly refer to what works for everyone else in that same field (such as the One Shoe Checklist for male lawyers). That's how you'll be worldly-wise to stay within the limits.

RMRS Shoe ebook

The post 5 Reasons Quality Shoes Are Important To A Man’s Wardrobe appeared first on Real Men Real Style.

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